Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010
Song of the Week ( 22 - 26 February 2010 )
by: Alicia Keys
Rasanya gak aneh kalo ditahun 2002 lalu, lagu ini memenangkan Grammy Awards sebagai Song of the Year dan juga predikat Best New Artist buat Alicia Keys sendiri. Lagu ini sendiri terkesan luar biasa lewat vokal, aransemen, backing vokal, dan liriknya. Gabungan antara musik Soul dan R&B nya berpadu natural. Inilah sebuah lagu yang bakal membuat semua orang kagum akan semua komponen yang terkandung di dalam lagu ini. And, two words for this song : Terrific Song !
Rasanya gak aneh kalo ditahun 2002 lalu, lagu ini memenangkan Grammy Awards sebagai Song of the Year dan juga predikat Best New Artist buat Alicia Keys sendiri. Lagu ini sendiri terkesan luar biasa lewat vokal, aransemen, backing vokal, dan liriknya. Gabungan antara musik Soul dan R&B nya berpadu natural. Inilah sebuah lagu yang bakal membuat semua orang kagum akan semua komponen yang terkandung di dalam lagu ini. And, two words for this song : Terrific Song !
I keep on fallin'
In and out of love
With you
With you
Sometimes I love ya
Sometimes you make me blue
Sometimes I feel good
At times I feel used
Lovin' you darlin'
Makes me so confused
I keep on fallin'
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you
Oh, oh, I never felt this way
How do you give me so much pleasure?
And cause me so much pain
Just when I think
I've taken more than would a fool
I start fallin' back in love with you
I keep on fallin'
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you
Oh baby
I, I, I, I'm fallin'
I, I, I, I'm fallin'
I keep on fallin'
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you
I'm fallin'
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you
I'm fallin'
In and out of love with you
I never loved someone
The way that I love you
Jumat, 26 Februari 2010
Lacey Brown Hairstyle

Lacey Brown, I love the look, soulfoul voice, she's cute and I love her hair too.
Her rendition of "What a Wonderful World" from Hollywood round was great and very endearing and what a great attitude about not getting through last year. I really liked Megan Joy (who got thru instead of her) but Megan didn't quite deliver although she was good. I'm glad Lacey was given another chance this week. Some people say her hairstyle is called "The Suspicious Duchess".
Kamis, 25 Februari 2010
Song of the Week ( 15 - 21 February 2010 )

by: Jay Z , Rihanna , & Kanye West
Apa jadinya bila 3 superstar Hip Hop di adu dalam sebuah lagu? Run This Town jadinya. Duet antara Jay Z ,Rihanna , dan Kanye West ini menciptakan sebuah harmoni Hip Hop yang luar biasa, ditambah lagi dengan suara Rihanna yang khas banyak mendominasi , menjadikan lagu pemenang Grammy Award ini makin berwarna .
Senin, 22 Februari 2010
Very Short Hairstyles For Women
Very short hairstyle for women
gallery of very short haircuts for women
pictures of short hairstyles for female
Rabu, 17 Februari 2010
Rihanna Short Fringe Hairstyles
Rihanna short hair gallery

Rihanna short hair style

celebrity Rihanna short hair

I love Rihanna short haircuts

Rihanna cool short hairstyle

Rihanna Short and Edgy Hairstyle

Rihanna short hair style
celebrity Rihanna short hair
I love Rihanna short haircuts
Rihanna cool short hairstyle
Rihanna Short and Edgy Hairstyle
Selasa, 16 Februari 2010
Paris Hilton Picture Blonde Bob Hairstyle for women

Blonde Bob Hairstyle 2010 is a Hairstyle design that never in use by the artist sexy Paris Hilton, Blonde Bob Hairstyle is the design trend of hair styles among the young today, but it was a lot of celebrities who often wear this hairstyle. Paris Hilton is one of the celebrities who wear bob hairstyle Blonde, sexy and full of artists and famous controversial frequently changing his hair style is long hair style for this one.

Paris Hilton Blonde Bob Hairstyle 2010
Broke Hogan Long Blonde Hairstyle with Bangs-2010 Hiarstyle design

Broke Hogan Long Blonde Hairstyle with Bangs is a hairstyle design trends in 2010, the model's hair style Broke Hogan Long Blonde with bangs are a lot of celebrities wearing today, except that the model's hair style is now a trend among young children or teenagers, especially in women's hair style model.

Senin, 15 Februari 2010
OBAKE !!!!!!
Minggu tanggal 14 Februari 2010 kemaren ( hari Valentine tuh ) gue sama anak- anak laennya ngabisin waktu bareng di SMASA ( SMA 1) buat masuk ke Obake ( rumah hantu Jepang ) . Sebenarnya selain Obake, ada banyak stand yang semuanya berbau ke Jepang- Jepang-an, mulai dari makanan sampai Games-nya! Asik, deh, tapi sayang, gue cuma bawa duit sedikit, jadinya cuma bisa nikmatin Jus Jeruk doank, deh!!!! Puncak dari hari itu gue rasa pas proses masuk ke Obake-nya. Mulai dari ganti- ganti pasangan ( kalo masuk Obake mesti sama pasangan, pria atau cewek terserah yang penting sama pasangan ) . Awalnya gue sama Febrian ( temen cowok gue ) udah janjian buat jadi pasangan, tapi kemudian di offer ke Nanda ( temen cewek gue ), gue pikir yah udahlah, daripada gak ada pasangan sama sekali. Antri buat masuk Obake-nya juga luar biasa!!!! Bayangin aja, kami ada di urutan 125, sementara masuknya mesti satu- satu !!!! Ya ampun, kepala gue sampai pusing ditambah ngantuk ( ini biasa gue alamin kalau ditengah keramaian di siang hari ) ! Akhirnya giliran aku sama Nanda. Kami masuk ke Obake sambil ngucapin Shitsurei Shimas ( peraturannya tuh! ). Nanda ngekor di belakang gue samabil megangin rompi gue ( takut ke pisah kali !). Obake-nya meliuk- liuk kayak terowongan, dindingnya dilapisin sama kertas koran sama kertas hitam. Belokan ke dua ada hantu ceweknya, lagi berdiri sambil nari atau ngapain gitu ( soalnya gerkannya gak jelas sih ), terus, belokan ketiga kami mesti lewat lubang yang bisa dilewatin sama orang. Terus itu kami sampai di ruangan yang cukup luas, disana banyak kakak-kakak yang lagi jadi hantu Jepang-nya. Ditengah ruangan ada pot sama pasir- pasir gitu, nah, disitulah puncak dari Obake-nya. Disana kami disuruh nyari cincin buat bisa ngedapetin Choco sebagai tanda kekompakan pasangan dalam Obake tersebut. Pertama kali mencoba nyari cincinnya kami kesusahan soalnya selain cuma di ternagin sama senter kecil, pasirnya juga nyusahin usaha kami, mana hantu- hantu pada keliaran lagi! Gue sempat- sempat aja bilang : " Baca Ayat Kursi! " ke Nanda, soalnya hantu pada bandel gitu! Nanda sempat bilang : "Nyerah kah ? ", tapi, gak boleh nyerah, gue pikir, udah sampai sini masa nyerah! Akhirnya kami sukses dapetin cincinnya ( pantesan susah nyari, cincinnya kecil banget!!! ) ! Di depan pintu keluarnya ada hantu cewek lagi ngaso, jadi, ya, kami kacangin aja!!!! Setelah keluar dari Obake gue jadi lega, deh!!!! Kami di kasih kue warna putih yang jadi tanda keberhasilan kami! Sesudah semua itu gue nge- SMS mama gue buat jemput minta pulang, lewat HP Priti yang pulsanya tinggal Rp. 300,- perak! Gue pergi ke pintu gerbang SMASA dengan kepala pusing dan mata yang ngantuk luar biasa!!! Gue sempat beli permen sambil nunggu mama gue jemput gue. Selama kurang lebih 15 menit akhirnya mama gue ngejemput gue pake ojek!!!!! Hari itu pun gue laluin dengan makan roti dan tidur sepuas- puasnya sampai kepala gue gak pusing lagi!!!!
Disini gue ketik hari minggu gue di atas ketboard warnet Borneo sambil ngedengerin lagu" Winter" - nya U2.... Senin, 15 Februari 2010 !
Disini gue ketik hari minggu gue di atas ketboard warnet Borneo sambil ngedengerin lagu" Winter" - nya U2.... Senin, 15 Februari 2010 !
Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010
Song of the Week ( 08 - 14 February 2010 )
Butuh waktu lama bagi gue buat suka sama lagu ini dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Tapi, akhirnya kesederhanaan dari lagu inilah yang akhirnya membuat aku suka. Nelly Furtado membawakan lagu ini seolah tanpa beban sehingga membuat lagu inil terdengar santai. Salut buat Nelly !!!
You're beautiful, that's for sure
You'll never ever fade
You're lovely but it's not for sure
That I won't ever change
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
Your faith in me brings me to tears
Even after all these years
And it pains me so much to tell
That you don't know me that well
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
It's not that I wanna say goodbye
It's just that every time you try to tell me that you love me
Each and every single day I know
I'm going to have to eventually give you away
And though my love is rare
And though my love is true
Hey I'm just scared
That we may fall through
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
You'll never ever fade
You're lovely but it's not for sure
That I won't ever change
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
Your faith in me brings me to tears
Even after all these years
And it pains me so much to tell
That you don't know me that well
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
It's not that I wanna say goodbye
It's just that every time you try to tell me that you love me
Each and every single day I know
I'm going to have to eventually give you away
And though my love is rare
And though my love is true
Hey I'm just scared
That we may fall through
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is, I don't know where my home is
(and baby all I need for you to know is)
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away
I don't know where my soul is , I don't know where my home is
All I need for you to know is
Rabu, 10 Februari 2010
2010 Cool Military Haircuts Pics for Men Hairstyle

2010 Cool Pics Military Haircuts for Men Hairstyle is a piece of military hairstyle for men who was a trend in the epidemic in 2010, if you're in the military or not cold cuts short hair styles large military and is easy to do hairstyle that suits you. Here are photos of hair cut military style 2010. David Beckham is one of the celebrities who had military-style haircuts. Check here for great people for the year 2010 spring fashion trends hairstyle hair:

2010 Cool Military Haircuts Pics for Men Hairstyle

Emo Style presents Stylish Emo Hairstyles for Emo Boys
About Emo hair you can find here some sexy emo boys hair styles. Some of this stylis emo boys hairstyle you might like very much . Emo hairstyle is all about looking different, cool but fashionable and so is the first choice for boys to look chic and trendy.
Stylis Emo Guys Hair Styles
The emo hairstyle varies from being trendy, classic to stylish. To get the funky and dashing look most of the boys opt for the long emo hairstyle. Men who have a casual and funky attitude should try out ponytails with the emo haircut.
Stylis Emo Guys Hair Styles
Some of the most popular emo hairstyles for boys are flip it style, chilli bowl style, curly spiked back hair, masterhughie, blue bombshell, hot bangs, cute spike, blonde hair, straight and shiny, blonde bangs and purple layered over jet black.
Stylis Emo Boys Hair Styles
Stylis Emo Men Hair Styles
Stylis Emo Guys Hair Styles

The Emo Subculture
Emo, is a term which is given to the subculture of hardcore punk and pop, which originated from the Washington DC area, but which later spread like wildfire to the rest of the US and also to other parts of the world. Emo has since evolved into a musical and fashion experience which is embraced by quite a number of young adherents.
The word “Emo” actually originated from the term "emocore" which refers to the hardcore punk music scene which started in the mid-1980s. The term is a variation of the word "emotive hardcore", which is what the bands in the DC area sounded like. They have developed a unique punk-rock style of music, which blended the characteristics of the electric guitar with smooth sounded mellow tracks, which are typically screamed from the top of the lungs, hence the term emotive hardcore. Amongst the bands which pioneered this genre were groups such as One Last Wish, Embrace, Fire Party and Moss Icon.
The Emo subculture is also heavily influenced by the Indie scene, with the likes of people such as Fugazi heading off the first wave of Emo, with bands which included Far and Texas Is The Reason, which pumped Indie music into the Emo subculture.
The sound feels more like a chaotic blend of instruments laced with emotional singing which emanates deep inside the lungs. This attracts crowds of young people. Their chants and raves have become characteristic as far as Emo concerts are concerned. These concerts have in turn become some of the most vibrant in the entire rock industry.
The Emo culture is not all about music however. There are fashion statements and stereotypes associated with the Emo subculture which spread to other facets of culture. Black is considered the color of choice in the Emo universe and it permeates almost all aspects of the Emo dress code. The hair is typically dyed jet-black, and in some instances it is spiked and can contain other colors as well. For the ladies, black nail polish is also widely used. In the Emo world, make-up is utilized by both males and females.
There is now a wide range of products which cater to the needs of the Emo subculture. Cities such as Austin have fully embraced it and have great places which have an Emo theme such as restaurants, record stores and other joints. It is now common to even see special clothing lines, merchandise, toys and even TV programs and movies. Today, the Emo subculture has caught influences from both pop and rock and is beginning to be accepted as a lifestyle choice.
The word “Emo” actually originated from the term "emocore" which refers to the hardcore punk music scene which started in the mid-1980s. The term is a variation of the word "emotive hardcore", which is what the bands in the DC area sounded like. They have developed a unique punk-rock style of music, which blended the characteristics of the electric guitar with smooth sounded mellow tracks, which are typically screamed from the top of the lungs, hence the term emotive hardcore. Amongst the bands which pioneered this genre were groups such as One Last Wish, Embrace, Fire Party and Moss Icon.
The Emo subculture is also heavily influenced by the Indie scene, with the likes of people such as Fugazi heading off the first wave of Emo, with bands which included Far and Texas Is The Reason, which pumped Indie music into the Emo subculture.
The sound feels more like a chaotic blend of instruments laced with emotional singing which emanates deep inside the lungs. This attracts crowds of young people. Their chants and raves have become characteristic as far as Emo concerts are concerned. These concerts have in turn become some of the most vibrant in the entire rock industry.
The Emo culture is not all about music however. There are fashion statements and stereotypes associated with the Emo subculture which spread to other facets of culture. Black is considered the color of choice in the Emo universe and it permeates almost all aspects of the Emo dress code. The hair is typically dyed jet-black, and in some instances it is spiked and can contain other colors as well. For the ladies, black nail polish is also widely used. In the Emo world, make-up is utilized by both males and females.
There is now a wide range of products which cater to the needs of the Emo subculture. Cities such as Austin have fully embraced it and have great places which have an Emo theme such as restaurants, record stores and other joints. It is now common to even see special clothing lines, merchandise, toys and even TV programs and movies. Today, the Emo subculture has caught influences from both pop and rock and is beginning to be accepted as a lifestyle choice.
Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010
Jumat, 05 Februari 2010
Sugarland's Music Video " Stay"
Gila ,cuy, lagunya bagus banget !!! Suara Jennifer Nettles bagus banget !!! Doi juga terkesan begitu menjiwai lagu ini!!! Best Song Ever !!!
Best Things That Happened In 2009
Mungkin agak terlambat, tapi, gak apalah, toh, tulisan ini cuma buat Have Fun doank....
So, dibawah ini adalah hal- hal terbaik yang gue alamin di tahun 2009, bener- bener yang terbaik loh, jadi jangan dianggap sembarang, karena hal- hal ini penting banget buat gue.
Well, inilah hal- hal terbaik yang gue alamin di tahun 2009 :
1. Gue lebih rajin sholat !!!
2. Gue lebih rajin ngaji !!!
3. Gue sedikit lebih alim dari dulu ( cuma sedikit aja loh !!! )
4. Gue masuk kelas IX H
5. Gue bisa nge-download lagu ( udik banget sih !!! )
6. Gue sedikit lebih dewasa ( inget, cuma sedikit, jadi jangan terlalu ditanggepin secara serius !!! )
7. Gue punya blog !!!
8. Gue punya temen - temen yang lumayan baek !!!
9. Gue sedikit lebih mahir berbahasa Inggris ( masih cuma sedikit !!! )
10. Gue ngedenger lagu 'Daughters' nya John Mayer !!!
11. Perekonomian keluarga gue jadi lebih baik !!!
12. Semua hal dalam hidup gue jadi lebih baik di tahun 2009 !!! Do'ain supaya cita- cita gue terkabul tahun ini !!!!
So, dibawah ini adalah hal- hal terbaik yang gue alamin di tahun 2009, bener- bener yang terbaik loh, jadi jangan dianggap sembarang, karena hal- hal ini penting banget buat gue.
Well, inilah hal- hal terbaik yang gue alamin di tahun 2009 :
1. Gue lebih rajin sholat !!!
2. Gue lebih rajin ngaji !!!
3. Gue sedikit lebih alim dari dulu ( cuma sedikit aja loh !!! )
4. Gue masuk kelas IX H
5. Gue bisa nge-download lagu ( udik banget sih !!! )
6. Gue sedikit lebih dewasa ( inget, cuma sedikit, jadi jangan terlalu ditanggepin secara serius !!! )
7. Gue punya blog !!!
8. Gue punya temen - temen yang lumayan baek !!!
9. Gue sedikit lebih mahir berbahasa Inggris ( masih cuma sedikit !!! )
10. Gue ngedenger lagu 'Daughters' nya John Mayer !!!
11. Perekonomian keluarga gue jadi lebih baik !!!
12. Semua hal dalam hidup gue jadi lebih baik di tahun 2009 !!! Do'ain supaya cita- cita gue terkabul tahun ini !!!!
Song of the Week ( 01 - 07 February 2010 )

by: Alicia Keys
Di minggu ini, entah kenapa gue suka banget nyanyiin lagu ini malem- malem. Jadi, gue milih lagu ini sebagai Song of the Week minggu ini. Lagu ini punya lirik keren yang bisa bikin kita sadar kalo cinta itu enggak bisa ditukar sama harta ataupun ketenaran. Ditambah dengan ilustrasi musik R & B yang asik dan suara Alicia Keys yang keren, lagu ini jadi makin berkualitas. Two Thumbs Way Up !!!
Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, Yeah
Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
If I ain't got you with me baby
So nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby
Cool Short Hairstyles For Men
Cool Short Hairstyles For Men
Kamis, 04 Februari 2010
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