Sabtu, 17 September 2011
Girls` Generation
- Girls` Generation(소녀시대)
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Dara from 2NE1
Dara 2NE1 Complete Profile
Name: Park Sandara
English Name: Sandara Park
Stage Name: Dara
Nickname(s): Sandy | Dara | Krung-Krung
Position: Vocal
D.O.B.: November 12, 1984
Height: 162cm (approx. 5'4")
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Listening to music | Surfing the Net
Favorite Color(s): Pink
Educational Background: -
Specialties: Acting | Tagalog | English | Chinese
First Stage Performance: -
English Name: Sandara Park
Stage Name: Dara
Nickname(s): Sandy | Dara | Krung-Krung
Position: Vocal
D.O.B.: November 12, 1984
Height: 162cm (approx. 5'4")
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Listening to music | Surfing the Net
Favorite Color(s): Pink
Educational Background: -
Specialties: Acting | Tagalog | English | Chinese
First Stage Performance: -
Music By Dara ( With 2NE1 )
Yoona from SNSD ( So Nyuh Shi Dae ) a.k.a Girls' Generation
Yoona from SNSD ( So Nyuh Shi Dae ) a.k.a Girls' Generation
Yoona SNSD Complete Profile
Stage Name : YoonA
Birth Name : Im Yoon Ah
Nick names : Deer Yoona, Him Yoona (Strength Yoona), Goddess Yoong, Yoong
Motto : Be confident in everything
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB : May 30, 1990
Height : 166cm (168cm or so she states herself)
Weight : 48 kg
Blood Type : B
School : Daeyoung High School, 2nd Year
Casted : 2002 SM Saturday Open Casting Audition
-2004 TVXQ's Magic Castle MV
-2006 Sanyo Eneloop CF
-2006 Teun Teun English 'Follow Me' CF
-2006 TVXQ First Concert guest appearance
-2006 Super Junior's U MV
-2006 TZSX's ?%u201A¾?%u0192³?%u0192�%u201A¤ (My Everything) MV
-2007 Elite CF with SS501
-2007 Sunkist Lemonade CF w/ Super Junior's Kangin,
Heechul | Version 2
-2007 Clean and Clear CF
-2007 MBC drama - 9 Hits, 2 Outs
-2007 Super Junior's Marry U mv
-2008 Lee Seung Chul's 'Propose' MV
-2008 Sola VitaminC CF
-2008 YeJiMiIn wise beauty CF
-2008 Clean and Clear CF
-2008 MBC - Park Jung Geum
-2008 KBS drama - You are my Destiny
-2008 Korea Drama Festival - Best New Actress Award
-2008 Korea Drama Festival - Netizens popularity award
-2009 Baeksang Awards - Best New Actress Award
-2009 Baeksang Awards - Heiwon Popularity Award
-2009 24/7's Thats guy's girl MV
-2009 MBC Drama - Cinderella Man
-2009 Clean and Clear CF with Kim So Eun
-2009 Innisfree CF
-Cindy the Perky, eCole, Dasoo magazines
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 93
Ideal Man : Daniel Henney
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Roommate/s : Sooyoung & Taeyeon
Birth Name : Im Yoon Ah
Nick names : Deer Yoona, Him Yoona (Strength Yoona), Goddess Yoong, Yoong
Motto : Be confident in everything
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB : May 30, 1990
Height : 166cm (168cm or so she states herself)
Weight : 48 kg
Blood Type : B
School : Daeyoung High School, 2nd Year
Casted : 2002 SM Saturday Open Casting Audition
-2004 TVXQ's Magic Castle MV
-2006 Sanyo Eneloop CF
-2006 Teun Teun English 'Follow Me' CF
-2006 TVXQ First Concert guest appearance
-2006 Super Junior's U MV
-2006 TZSX's ?%u201A¾?%u0192³?%u0192�%u201A¤ (My Everything) MV
-2007 Elite CF with SS501
-2007 Sunkist Lemonade CF w/ Super Junior's Kangin,
Heechul | Version 2
-2007 Clean and Clear CF
-2007 MBC drama - 9 Hits, 2 Outs
-2007 Super Junior's Marry U mv
-2008 Lee Seung Chul's 'Propose' MV
-2008 Sola VitaminC CF
-2008 YeJiMiIn wise beauty CF
-2008 Clean and Clear CF
-2008 MBC - Park Jung Geum
-2008 KBS drama - You are my Destiny
-2008 Korea Drama Festival - Best New Actress Award
-2008 Korea Drama Festival - Netizens popularity award
-2009 Baeksang Awards - Best New Actress Award
-2009 Baeksang Awards - Heiwon Popularity Award
-2009 24/7's Thats guy's girl MV
-2009 MBC Drama - Cinderella Man
-2009 Clean and Clear CF with Kim So Eun
-2009 Innisfree CF
-Cindy the Perky, eCole, Dasoo magazines
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 93
Ideal Man : Daniel Henney
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Roommate/s : Sooyoung & Taeyeon
Music By Yoona ( With Girls' Generation )
Yoona SNSD VS Dara 2NE1
Yoona SNSD VS Dara 2NE1
YoonA or Dara?
Both of these girl are very popular either in Korea or around the world. Since K-Pop music became a phenomenon on internet for these past 5 years, they became the most searched artist on Google. Both are very beautiful, and both are coming from a very popular and let say, the most prominence Girlband group in Korea. Yoona is the most popular member among SNSD [ Girls Generation ], and Dara is undoubtly the maskot for the Girlband 2ne1.
Yoona VS Dara
The Grand Narrative
What did Depraved Oppas do to Girls’ Generation? Part 3
Posted in Body Image, Gender Roles, Gender Socialization, Girl Groups, Korean Children and Teenagers, Korean Media, Korean Music, Korean Sexuality by James Turnbull on July 18, 2011
This translation of part of this Korean article follows directly from Part 1 and Part 2. If you haven’t already, please read those first, as the author didn’t intend for any section to be a stand-alone post:
‘비정규직 세대’의 이중착취 / The Double-Exploitation of the “Irregular Generation”아이돌 바람을 일으킨 기획사 대표들에게는 몇 가지 공통점이 있다. 스스로 연예계에서 활동하며 발을 넓힌, 중장년층의 남자들이라는 것이다. 이들은 경제위기 이전에 사회에 진출해 상당한 부를 축적한 기성세대면서도, ‘비정규직 세대’와 취향을 공유할 수 있을 만큼 젊은 경우가 대부분이다.
The representatives of management companies that gave rise to the idol boom have many points in common. First, they are middle-aged men who developed their careers within the entertainment world by themselves, before the Asian Financial Crisis. Also, while they are an old generation with accumulated wealth, most are still young enough to share the tastes of the “irregular generation”.다시 말해, 아이돌 기획자들은 무력한 남성들의 욕망을 이해할 만큼 젊고 영악한 ‘동료 남자’들인 동시에, 이 수요를 가공해 상품으로 내놓을 수 있을 만한 돈과 연줄을 지닌 사람들이다. 반면에 대다수 젊은 세대가 지닌 건 욕망과 (아르바이트로 모았을) ‘미니앨범’을 겨우 살 주머니 푼돈뿐이다.
In other words, management company representatives are young and shrewd enough to understand powerless men’s tastes, and have the money and connections to produce manufactured goods (idols) on demand. On the other hand, the thing which most of the young generation have is desire, but only enough pocket money (or money gained from part-time jobs) to buy mini-albums.한국의 현재 청소년들은 꿈을 꿀 수 없는 불우한 세대다. 유치원 시절부터 학교, 학원, 과외로 이어지는 가혹한 경쟁체제 속에서 고통 받지만, 이들에게 준비된 미래는 없다. 소수의 ‘좋은’ 대학을 갈 경쟁력은 돈으로 길러지고, 운 좋게 입학 기회를 얻는다 해도 돈 없이는 학교에 다닐 수도 없고, 살인적인 ‘스펙’ 경쟁도 불가능하다. 졸업생을 기다리고 있는 것은 차별, 실업, 비정규직으로 이어지는 잔인한 현실이다.
Korean teenagers now are an generation of misfortune, which can’t have dreams. From when they’re in kindergarten, to attending school, hagwons, and receiving private tutoring, they suffer greatly from the competitive system into which they’re placed, yet despite that have no future to prepare for. They can use money to increase their chances of getting into one of the very few “good” universities, but even if they [are indeed] lucky enough to gain a place to one they may be unable to afford the fees, and [besides which] it would still be impossible to get killer “specs” [James - a good background]. Graduating students now face a merciless reality in which they have nothing but discrimination, unemployment, and/or irregular, unstable work to look forward to.
아이돌 그룹은 이 가엾은 세대에게 두 가지 의미의 ‘위안’을 준다. 하나는 암울한 현실을 잠시 잊을 수 있는 오락이고, 다른 하나는 ‘나도 아이돌이 될 수 있다’는 꿈이다. 하지만 이 ‘위안’은 기획사가 비정규직 세대를 피라미드형 착취구조로 이끄는 미끼에 지나지 않는다. 젊은 세대는 아이돌 음악을 사는 소비자인 동시에, 오디션에 참여해 ‘아이돌 예비군’인 연습생 자리를 채워주는 ‘인력풀’이다.
Idol groups give comfort to this hapless generation in two ways. One, is through giving some pleasure that allows them to forget their miserable reality for a moment, why the other is through fostering the belief that they too can become idols. But this “comfort” is nothing but bait for a pyramidal exploitation structure of them. [As] while the young generation purchase music as consumers, at the same time they also audition to become a labor pool of “idol reserves”.이들은 기획사에 수익과 인력을 댈 뿐 아니라, 열광과 환호로 아이돌에게 매력적인 지위도 부여한다. 결국 ‘아이돌의 꿈’을 구성하는 부, 인기, 명성은 모두 비정규직 세대 자신들이 공급하는 것이다. 하지만 꿈의 주인공이 되는 것은 오직 기획사를 통해서만 가능하다.
While these idol reserves represent profit and a labor pool to the management companies however, to them themselves they are given an attractive position through widespread public adulation and passion for them. In the end, everything that an idols’ dreams are composed of – wealth, popularity, fame – are things that they provide for themselves. But although they are the central character in their dreams, these are still only possible through management companies.
Caption: 걸그룹 기획사가 가장 중요하게 여기는 것은 의도된 노출에 적합하고 손쉽게 대체될 수 있는 획일화된 신체다.
Image Caption: [When it comes to idols], The most important thing for management companies to consider are standardized bodies suitable for skin exposure and easily replaced (end).James - My apologies in advance for any mistakes in the translation, which I admit that I (and then my long-suffering wife) struggled with much more than I did the first two parts. Much of my confusion though, stemmed from – to my mind – Kang’s abrupt shift here from talking about the “irregular generation” in the first half of the article (i.e. the target audience of girl groups), to the “young generation” that the girl-group members belong(ed) to in the second half. However, it does serve as a good introduction to Part 4′s discussion of their exploitation with the Korean music industry, which you can find here.
Kamis, 15 September 2011
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber Videos Removed From YouTube
12:39 pm, August 29th, 2011
Justin Bieber’s videos have been pulled from YouTube after a user named iLCreation took advantage of the site’s copyright violation policies.By submitting a copyright claim on “Baby” and Bieber’s other videos, iLCreation has been able to (at least temporarily) have all “disputed” content erased from YouTube.
All of Bieber’s videos are going back up again, and the situation has been “fixed,” his rep tells Gossip Cop.
Some of Lady Gaga and Rihanna’s official videos were similarly removed.
It’s being reported that Bruno Mars, Beyonce and other major artists have also been hit.
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is the rare celebrtiy that’s a good role model
Justin Bieber being an angel… literally, with wings and all!
No conservative admiration here. He really had made history, in a few short years he literally went from being a kid on YouTube to a world-class musician and entertainer. His fan base consists of both ”normal” people, mostly pre-teen or teenage females, and fellow celebrities, of both sexes and all ages.
Since he was a baby, Justin loved music. Although he didn’t realize it at the time, he had a special talent… the same talent that we hear in his music, and see in his performances as well as his debut documentary/concert film, Justin Bieber: Never Say Never. His musical talent is amazing, and something that doesn’t need explanation… The 17-year-old has had several Chart-topping hits, his own film that was shown in theaters, and fans in every country around the world.The teen has been invited to so many very important red carpet events, and televised award ceremonies. He has been nominated for a ton of awards, and won a lot of them, often winning most of the awards he was nominated for. At this year’s annual Teen Choice Awards, he won FOUR of the FIVE awards he was nominated for. At age 17. Wow.
Even if you’re not a fan of his music, most people who read a little bit about Justin have respect for him and his big heart. He is involved in several charitable causes and non-profit organizations one way or another. For example, products that Justin puts his name on and endorses tend to sell very well, and a portion of the profits go to benefit a selected non-profit organization or charity. A portion of proceeds from his “One Less Lonley Girl” by popular nail lacquer company, Nicole for OPI nail polish collection go to the non-profit organization, Pencils of Promise who helps provide education in developing countries. Very recently, his perfume for ladies, “Someday”, was stocked on store shelves. When he was developing the perfume, he partnered up with Give Back Brands to ensure that if the product has his name on it, portions of proceeds would go to charities and non-profit organizations. For this one, he intends to benefit more than one organization, so far we know that the perfume “Someday” will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and provide even more funds for the aforementioned non-profit organization Pencils of Promise.
His charitable heart goes outside the realm of product endorsement though. The tragic earthquake off the Pacific coast o Tokyo in Japan, AKA The Tokyo earthquake and the tsunami,we all heard about on the News occurred on March 11th,2011. Very soon afterward, when both the victims in Japan, and shocked people worldwide thought this situation couldn’t get any worse, it did. Like a domino effect, the earthquake and tsunamis damage and chaos triggered another tragedy. Nuclear power leaked from three of the reactors at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant Complex. The area was immediately evacuated. Nuclear power is no joke, twenty years from now, I predict that the mess will be cleaned up, new buildings, homes, schools, roads and highways will be built and the country will be considered “restored”, although the people will not forget… much like I,as an American will never forget September 11th, 2001 despite the fact that it’s been almost ten years, and I live nowhere near New York.Other countries, including the United States send help such as the Red Cross, but the damage was virtually unmeasurable, and the country and it’s people needed all the help they could get, be it medical attention from doctors and nurses, food and clean water, overnight shelters, teddy bears to comfort confused and shocked children, and money to buy any needed supplies to help the people of Japan. With the unbelievable state the country was in, Justin Bieber’s crew decided they wanted to skip Japan altogether on Justin’s world tour, My World 2.0. But Justin had “The Show Must Go On” attitude, and even if just for an hour or two, Justin Bieber’s fans in Japan got to enjoy a couple of concerts Justin played in the country. Not only did he risk the danger to be there for his fans as planned, but he donated close to Millon USD to Japanese relief efforts.
Justin also grew up playing sports whether it was for fun, or on a competitive team at school in his hometown in Canada. In fact, he has admitted to the media that although music has always played a big role in his life, it hasn’t always been his number one, in his own words Justin has said “I played hockey,soccer,basketball. Back then, [Before he was a famous musician] music was No. 2. I was more into sports”He played on a hockey team before the fame came, after all he is a native Canadian, lol
Justin Bieber being the kind of pop star he is, with respect for his fans and family (who he calls his “number 1 fans”) and never forgetting his roots and where he came from, he is one of the few ideal role models teens have to look up to these days. He keeps busy with recording albums and singles, having appearances in his celebrity friend’s hit songs and music videos as well as supporting them when they are nominated for an award or attending a special event. His calendar is also booked with attending award ceremonies he has nominations for or making it to special events where lines of fans wait to get his autograph, without any of that ”man-diva attitude”. And with the long list of charitable causes Justin supports, along with products he endorses and puts his name on that have portions of profits benefitting his favorite and hand-picked charities and non-profit organizations, he has a lot of promotional events for each of those on his calender.Justin still does the “average kid” thing as well, still playing his favorite sports when he has the time, spending time with his family…mostly his mom who goes on tour with him, and setting up practical jokes and pranks for his fellow tour mates on the road, or friends and family back home.
I won’t go as far to name names, or point fingers but many parents don’t approve of the celebrities their teenage daughters and sons look up to as role models, or idolize completely. They say any publicity is good publicity, but for many young stars of today, an overwhelming portion of their “publicity” is about something negative that parents would never want to see their teens doing. We see them on T.V. for yet another court appearance for a probation violation, jail sentence or arrest for drunk driving or any other irresponsible decisions. They appear on the front page for being pregnant as teenagers, or accused of having an eating disorder, with a few photos to back up the claim. I am not a parent, but I agree that if I did have a son or daughter, especially in the extra vulnerable teenage years, I wouldn’t want their idols and role models to exhibit any of the aforementioned behavior of a growing number of young Hollywood stars, especially in this age with so many media outlets…news travels fast!
Justin Bieber is an exception, along with a handful of other young Hollywood stars and starlets. With Justin leading a responsible and quite well-rounded life,always possessing a can-do, positive attitude, and his heart of gold for caring and getting involved in so many causes he is left with almost no free time. It’s no wonder parents accept Justin Bieber as an acceptable role model for their preteen or teenage kids…one of the very few young celebrities left that are good role models for teenagers to look up to and see as a true role model.
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